Spring swarm still building comb

5-7-17 Swarm building comb

Our first swarm is still building comb, and fast!  Here are a few frames of beautiful white comb.  As bees walk on the comb over time, the pollen on their feet stain the wax it’s usual yellow color.  This wax hasn’t Continue reading “Spring swarm still building comb”

Wonky comb

This is what happens when you put frames in without wiring, foundation, or anything else and forget to replace them in time.  This empty frame should have went into broodnest, or at least between capped frames.  Since the neighboring frame was being filled when the empty went in place, the bees simply drew out the comb double-wide in the original frame.  After I cut the excess off this frame, it was good as new.  I’ll return this to the hive to recap it.