I’m trying a new idea this year to easily identify the queens in each hive. I made tags for each queen I have. The main block has the name of the queen. The name is based on line (IB=Indiana Mite Biter, CW=local strain, etc), two digit year, two digit sequence, and source (GR=graft, EM=emergency queen, SW=swarm, SU=supercedure). I’ve also colored the block to match the year’s color, allowing me from a distance to see the age of each queen. in the smaller blocks above, they indicate the mothers, going up to 4 generations back, by name and color, to help see family lines. So far it’s working quite well.
Double Nuc marked with a queen tag.
Despite working in IT, I prefer spending my time outdoors. I enjoy beekeeping, hiking, camping, and about anything else I can do outside. A Do-It-Yourself’er, I’ve spent much of my life learning new skills like beekeeping, carpentry, mechanics, construction, and more. This gives a refreshing break from the days of screen time we all endure.