We’re back!

Hello everyone! It’s been so long. Continue reading “We’re back!”

It’s been a while

Hey everyone! I’m so bad at keeping up on this site. I just wanted to let everyone know Continue reading “It’s been a while”


I’m having a pretty frustrating day so I thought I’d do something nice to put myself in a better mood.

For a limited time only Lip Balm is BUY TWO GET ONE FREE.

Continue reading “LIP BALM SALE!”

Valentine’s Day

Give the gift of 🐝 love.

Continue reading “Valentine’s Day”

Cosmetic Ingredients

Hi all!

It’s that time of year where we really need those products for our lips and skin. I thought I’d take a few moments to talk about the ingredients I use.

Continue reading “Cosmetic Ingredients”

It’s a new year!

Hi all! I hope you are enjoying your 2019 so far! It’s a very snowy day for us which my kids and dogs are loving. Me, I’m inside making body butter for my drying hands. I’ll get out later to enjoy it but it’s not fun having dry hands and I need my body butter.

Continue reading “It’s a new year!”

Upcoming Events

vendor booths

Hi all! I’ve been so busy having fun making and selling products. I’ve been lucky enough to be a vendor at some markets this year and I have some more coming up.

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It’s booth time!

Come see us!
We’ll be booth 306

Hi all! It’s been a while. I’ve been so busy with the kids and getting ready for this booth and a silent auction. I’m having so much fun with new molds too. I can’t wait to share with everyone. Come on down to Brown County and see us. Only a couple weeks away!!!

I’ll have lots of candles, body butter, lip moisturizers, honey sticks, and hopefully some other new items. I’m getting really excited. Hope to see ya there!

School Time

Summer is sadly almost over for the school kids. My girls will be going to school in a couple weeks which means I’ll have a quiet house for a couple hours and will get back to my products.

I look at my blocks of beeswax  some days and miss the smells and cool candles. I can’t wait to get back to it.

Check back in a few weeks to see what new things I’ll have. I can’t wait. I will miss my girls and summer though. I hope everyone is enjoying this beautiful weather.


What’s new this month

Hi all! Can you believe this weather?

spring in brown county
first day of spring in brown county, in

Continue reading “What’s new this month”