Body Butter

body butter
first attempt at body butter

Hi all! Today I want to talk about my newest product, body butter.

Continue reading “Body Butter”

It’s a fun and busy year

Hi everyone! I hope all are well. It’s turning into a very busy year for us. I’ve been super busy filling orders, getting ready for a silent auction for a charity event, and making new products. Currently, I’m attempting a body butter and a lotion bar. I’m really excited and hope they turn out.

Continue reading “It’s a fun and busy year”

Testers needed

lip moisturizer
peppermint lip moisturizer

Hi everyone! I hope you’re all doing well. I have been working on a lot of different things. I’m so excited to share them all with you but they’re not quite ready yet.

I wanted to ask you all today if you would be interested in helping us with our business. I need folks who have strong opinions and are happy to share them, good or bad.

What I need are Continue reading “Testers needed”

The great fails of beeswax

Hi everyone! We’re stuck inside thanks to this big snow storm. I hope everyone is staying safe and warm. I was going through some pictures of my journey in beeswax and found so many fails. I thought maybe we should all have a laugh at my expense and view them together. Enjoy!

Continue reading “The great fails of beeswax”

This is the one…sort of

Happy new year! I hope everyone is staying warm on this very cold day. I decided to finally try a recipe in one of my books by Petra Ahnert. I decided to substitute the lanolin for extra cocoa butter just in case there was an allergy to wool. It worked out though because this lip moisturizer feels so good on your lips.

lip moisturizer
new recipe by Petra Ahnert

Continue reading “This is the one…sort of”

Lip Moisturizer

Lip Moisturizer
Filled tubes of lip moisturizer


Hi there! I know it’s been a while since I’ve been on here but now that the bee season has slowed down I have more time to finally work on those candles and more.

We’ve been melting down and cleaning wax to make Continue reading “Lip Moisturizer”

I love making candles

candle display

These are just some of the beautiful candles I make. Just looking at this picture I can smell the honey. Not long after this picture was taken a friendly bee came by and began walking on them.  I love making 100% pure beeswax candles.

bee on pillar candles

Towards the beginning of my candle making adventure I attempted to start scenting my candles thinking that’s what would get them to sell best. Continue reading “I love making candles”

Hey, check us out!

Hi there. I just wanted to quickly mention if you haven’t yet, check out our facebook page at



Candle making

I’ve decided to make candles with the wax from our bees and it turns out I love it. I’ve gotten pretty good at the pillars. The honey scent is so nice. I tried experimenting with different scents and smells. Those are a bit tricky. Now I have a new mold for an owl and I love it. I’m working on perfecting it. More pics coming soon.

Pillar candles

Busy bees making a new queen.

Here’s a frame of bees hard at work making a new queen, seen in the peanut shaped cell on the right end of the frame. Continue reading “Busy bees making a new queen.”