Upcoming Events

vendor booths

Hi all! I’ve been so busy having fun making and selling products. I’ve been lucky enough to be a vendor at some markets this year and I have some more coming up.

Continue reading “Upcoming Events”

2018 Honey harvest is here!

8oz and 16oz bottles of annual honey.

It’s been a long year and a late harvest, but we’re pleased to give everyone the good news!  Our honey harvest is finally bottled and we’ll be putting them on sale immediately!  We got a little more than last year, so we’ve decided to offer the half pound as usual, but also the full pound bottles!  The honey this year has a great balance of flavor and sweetness.  This is local at it’s best, not like what you’ll find at the store.  We’ve also got an assortment of hand made candles and cosmetics available in the shop too, perfect for gifts this coming holiday season.  The candles are 100% beeswax, and the cosmetics are made using our honey and wax with a limited number of additional all natural ingredients and pure oils.

Visit our shop (link below or from the ‘Shop’ link above) to make your purchase.  Please select pickup if you plan to meet us to receive your bottles, but make sure to leave comments so we can reach you.  You can pay online ahead of time by PayPal, or select cash to pay at pickup, either by cash or card.  When checking out, create an account so you can check progress of the order, reprint your receipt, etc.  Don’t worry, we don’t store any payment information or share any of your info.  Don’t wait too long.  We’ve sold out quickly every year so far!



It’s booth time!

Come see us!
We’ll be booth 306

Hi all! It’s been a while. I’ve been so busy with the kids and getting ready for this booth and a silent auction. I’m having so much fun with new molds too. I can’t wait to share with everyone. Come on down to Brown County and see us. Only a couple weeks away!!!

I’ll have lots of candles, body butter, lip moisturizers, honey sticks, and hopefully some other new items. I’m getting really excited. Hope to see ya there!

Body Butter

body butter
first attempt at body butter

Hi all! Today I want to talk about my newest product, body butter.

Continue reading “Body Butter”

The great fails of beeswax

Hi everyone! We’re stuck inside thanks to this big snow storm. I hope everyone is staying safe and warm. I was going through some pictures of my journey in beeswax and found so many fails. I thought maybe we should all have a laugh at my expense and view them together. Enjoy!

Continue reading “The great fails of beeswax”

Lip Moisturizer

Lip Moisturizer
Filled tubes of lip moisturizer


Hi there! I know it’s been a while since I’ve been on here but now that the bee season has slowed down I have more time to finally work on those candles and more.

We’ve been melting down and cleaning wax to make Continue reading “Lip Moisturizer”

First honey harvest of 2017

8oz and 16oz bottles of annual honey.

We’ve managed to harvest some honey from the hives at home.  Most of the hives are running lean as we’ve focused again on expansion this year at the farm.  One hive was left alone, and managed to prevent swarming, which can reduce honey intake.  The honey we pulled this year has a fantastic Continue reading “First honey harvest of 2017”

Wonky comb

This is what happens when you put frames in without wiring, foundation, or anything else and forget to replace them in time.  This empty frame should have went into broodnest, or at least between capped frames.  Since the neighboring frame was being filled when the empty went in place, the bees simply drew out the comb double-wide in the original frame.  After I cut the excess off this frame, it was good as new.  I’ll return this to the hive to recap it.